Monday, 18 July 2016

Kashmir - Let's not get Biased !!

I am fed up of reading about Kashmir issue every now and then. I have read a number of articles on the same. Some of them were justifying the killing of Burhan Wani and ridiculing the gather of Kashmiri people for his funeral. On the other hand, some of them were supporting the Kashmiri protesters and thrashing the killing of protesters on the hand of security personnel. In addition, there were few articles giving a balanced view towards the whole incident explaining the mindset of both the parties. Alonwith all these I found articles explaining the history of Kashmir in their own words; again some of them supporting the protests and others spilling the bitterness towards the protesters.

After reading numerous of such articles on internet, I can assure, here, I won't be writing anything like that. Why so? Because I am not interested in learning about the past. I believe whatever the past was, it has past. I don't believe in living in the past, however, I believe in present and want to focus on future. That's exactly what I am going to write over here.

Equality among Humans
Honestly, being an Indian, I support India and its security forces. I support them wholeheartedly and I do back them on whatever they're doing for this country but I am not able to overlook the sufferings of Kashmiri protesters. All those 40+ people were human beings who died leaving their families to grieve behind them. Thousands of other human beings are injured, a lot of them are losing their eyesight. And I wonder what will happen to them when all these protests will end. Maybe the government provide them with monetary compensations but will that ever be sufficient? Whatever they'll lose now, will they ever be able to gain it back through any sort of compensation? The answer is NO. Thus I wonder what these people are actually thinking while spoiling their lives for stupid reasons. Don't they know that we live only once and we have numerous things to do in this small amount of time.

I can debate on it for long hours but that's not the reason I am writing this blog. I just had one question in my mind for everyone out there and I want to ask that to everyone who is commenting on the issue, giving their valuable suggestions, advices and comments. Actually, I am incapable of understanding their views on this sensitive issue. I believe noone can comment on something unless they have actually faced the same situation. Just by listening or viewing they can't comment and if they're commenting then why they're getting biased. I think I need to elaborate myself in order to get a proper answer.

First of all, (I Don't believe it but) suppose whatever the Kashmiri people are telling us about the harsh realities of Indian Army is true. These harsh realities include several incidents where Indian Army is beating innocent Kashmiri people and youths, raping women, killing innocent lives, so on. Let us agree to this that all these things are happening in Kashmir in a full force. These incidents also include the incident that served as a catalyst for the Burhan Wani and he became a militant. What happened afterwards is Burhan Wani started killing security personals. I agree that Burhan was a youth but do you know the people he killed. Were those people really aged? Didn't they left their families behind themselves for grieving? If your heart pains for Burhan, it should pain for others too. Why? Let me tell you that too. You say Burhan has suffered in the hands of security forces and thus you justify him. Then you should be able to justify the security personnels too because they are also suffering. A number of security persons have lost their lives due to acts done by these militants. A lot of them were the sole bread earners, a lot of them had left their children and families to suffer. The security persons fight without even thinking about themselves or their families and if badly hurt, they lose their jobs too. So it's quite justifiable.

There is also a section of people who do not justify the suffering of Kashmiri people who are violating laws and thus, get injured. For all such people I want to say that you should also be crying for the sufferings of Indian security forces. In short, you should be crying for both the parties or not crying at all. Why are you biasing for just one party? If you feel pain for Indian Army, you should feel pain for Kashmiris too and vice versa. However, I do agree that Kashmiris are actually violating laws and that's why they are getting hurt, but again there is something that is bothering me. Does Indian Government think that hurting Kashmiris badly will solve the problem? I don't think so, because they already have a lot of hatred for the country and by hurting them so badly, that hatred will only be multiplying. All this just seem like a deadlock situation where there is circle of hurting each other. Kashmiris will hurt security forces by pelting stones and then security forces will hurt them through pellet guns.

At last, I am just worried where are we heading to? What's the solution? The situation is worsening only. Even if after few days the situation will seem normal but families of all those who got hurt during these days will only be becoming other Burhans. And whenever a time will come for another protest, they will do it again and that too with much more hatred. I genuinely want to request everyone to stop commenting or biasing or encouraging one of the party. Instead, please put your brains into it and try to learn the main cause and try to resolve it. This is a humble request to everyone including Indian Government, Kashmiri protesters, Kashmiri separatist leaders, all citizens and journalists. Please try to resolve the issue once and for all and clear this deadlock. On my part, I am trying to learn as much as I can and hoping the future will be better than the present for J&K. Please help or at least pray for the same.